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We are leading manufacturer Fixed Surface Aerator, Surface Aeration, Surface Aerator.Oxymax is the new generation aerator. After a long period of testing, the ideal design was developed. A complete new design which ensures a high efficiency, a huge mixing effect and very smooth running with less vibration to the bridge and drive unit.The new surface aerator is designed on the basis of the latest know how on surface aeration and beats the old problem with this kind of aerators. There are two types of aerator in our product range. Fixed Type Surface Aerator Slow Speed Fixed Aerator Floating Type Surface Aerator Slow Speed Floating Surface Aerator High Speed Floating Surface Aerator

Floating Surface Aerator

Fixed Surface Aerator

Aspriting aerators

Operation Machanism

The surface aerator is a vertical shaft aerator which provides a mechanical means of oxygen transfer to sewage or industrial effluent. Manual or any required degree of automatic control can be provided including adjustment of aeration intensity by dis-solved oxygen monitoring. It can be mounted on conventional bridges, on tripods with light access bridges or floating. They can be mounted on configuration thereby offering a broad range of treatment capabilities from small communities to major installation. It provide sufficient oxygen input and maximum mixing characteristics with a minimum expenditure of power. The proven operating characteristics mean that the installations are simple, inexpensive and efficient. The process starts with the oxygen generation of the fluid which promotes the cultivation and reproduction of micro-organisms which carry out the treatment process by breaking down organic matter. Oxygenation also re-establishes dis-solved oxygen levels in thte final effluent in order to sustain plant and animal life when discharged into rivers and lakes. Vertical shaft aerators achieve oxygen transfer by developing a large interface between air and liquid so that oxygen can diffuse from the air into the liquid. In achieving this it is necessary to prevent local build up of oxygen concentration by promoting good mixing within the liquid.

In many applications of slow speed surface aerators the function of the aerator is not just limited to introducing oxygen into the water. Also, a part of the propulsion and mixing has to be provided by the surface aerator. That is one of the reasons why the characteristic conical shape is noticeable in the design of the blades. This is the source of the pump function which is necessary for creating good mixing conditions inside the basin. For oxidation ditches this results in excellent propulsion.

The design of the OxymaX is such that both radial and axial forces are much lower than with conventional surface aerators. This has many advantages. In particular, the forces on the concrete and on the bearings of the outgoing shaft of the gearbox will be much lower. Because of this, in many cases, one can select a gearbox which will be one size smaller. Also the vibration characteristics will be reduced enormously, so that critical vibrations in the gearbox will not occur.

The design and the shape of the blades is configured in such a way that it is impossible for any rag or other detritus to attach to the impellor. This is largely due to the virtual cone shape created by the blades.

The starting point of the design of the OxymaX was not only that the available power had to lead to a higher oxygen transfer, but also that the aerator had to be easy to maintain and long trouble free life.

Because the complete surface aerator unit is built up from impellor, bearing supports, gearbox and electric motor, maintenance is limited to a yearly oil check and periodical checking of all greasing points.

The selection of the size of the surface aerator is primary based on the amount of oxygen which has to be introduced into the water. The oxygen capacity can be regulated by regulating the speed by means of a variable frequency drive (VFD) and the online DO meter. The actual regulation is nearly always monitored by means of an oxygen probe.

Because of the strong mixing power of the Oxymax, in most cases a system without sludge settlement can be guaranteed up to 5 meter depth, even water depths up to 8 meter can be realized without the use of additional mixers, depending on tank geometry.

Studies prove that the amount of aerosols is obviously lower than with fine bubble aeration. In addition protection systems available.

Simple covers are available for the drive unit. For the Aerator different covers and bridge systems are available.

Energy Efficiency

Until 4 meter water depth absolute the most economic aeration system. In larger water depths, it will be often and economical solution, but each single case must be proved. These surface aerators are available in Slow speed and high speed range.

  • High And Constant Efficiency
  • Extra Bearing Supports To Safeguard Gearbox
  • Long Lasting Impeller
  • Extreme Low Reaction Forces
  • Excellent Mixing Qualities
  • Simply Regulated
  • Wide Oxygenation Range
  • Wide Range Of Applications
  • Simple And Robust Construction
  • Self Cleaning
  • Low Maintenance Costs

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